Glarus Schwändi - Live!
state Feb 22, 2011
I map new to the OLG Glarus Glarus Schwändi the map. Look over my shoulder! I will periodically the state on half a square kilometer of 6.3km2 map here. The latest things at the top and again brought forward in the blog (that newcomers start at the bottom to read!). Questions and comments very much and have fun.
Fig.12. Ticket booth 1980th 1:15 '000, 10m contour interval. Recording Jörg Luchsinger.
Fig.11. A little history of cartography: map as 1989th Revised version of Claudio Wetzstein, Karin Goy and Ruedi Freuler. 1:10 000, 5m (Curiously, the 2004 version again Luchsinger 1980 (Fig. 12) by reference)
Fig.10. Still on the outer areas. I also make attempts to Generalisierungsschema (stone classifications and ridges). I try to aim for a strong generalization. Only distinct objects.
Heading for current recording area I mapping fixed points and lines in the forest areas. Current Effort: 79h / 2.6km2 of 6.3km2. The ratio of consumption: drawing is 1:1.
The blue circles are to discuss with the consultants cards.
Fig.9. Drawing of the outdoor areas plus my path (magenta). Effort so far: 46.5h. Right now I need the same length in the field, how to draw.
Fig.8. First, the outdoor areas on the basis of DHM-DOM-slope contours and shading. Scan the field recordings.
Fig.7. DOM and aerial photography for the open areas have been largely exhausted. I will first map the open areas. Whether that makes sense is debatable, but I need some motivation, or shall, for the time really come forward. Effort so far: 28.5h.
Fig.6. As of January 20, 2011th Homework. The purple line shows my movements in the field. Effort so far: 22h.
Fig.5. My third source of data is the DOM (Digital Surface Model). The DOM shows the surface including vegetation. This is in an area with many open areas (about 2 / 3 of the Map) a primary basis. :-)
Fig.4. I will expect from the DHM OCAD10 contour lines with contour interval 1m.
Fig.3. The digital elevation model based on a laser scan of the area. For this model, the raw data were already converted into a grid. I refer this DEM the Canton Glarus. 370th costs - CHF (non-commercial use). The DOM (s.Abb.5) there is to it there. The data in the. Xyz formats can I import into OCAD10. OCAD9 users should be able to count via OL laser and height curves for OCAD.
Fig.2. For now, an aerial view in Internet quality (. Jpeg, 0.5m resolution). With a bit of technical skill, you can relate to quite efficiently in the network.
Fig.1. The old map was a digitized version of a more traditional hand-drawn map. The latter technique had yet according to strong local distortions. Although one can equalize with OCAD10 such cards (Rubbersheeting), but was really not satisfactory the result. The card in the last version no quality Q by the Association has received in part because the recording quality varies locally strong. I have therefore decided to take the card from scratch.
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