Monday, December 28, 2009

Willa Strucuńska Tarnów

5 Arts

On 4 January opened in Gelsenkirchen the business' five Arts ... because art is more . There will Your

  • painting exhibitions by local artists
  • sculptures and objects - figurative works from different materials
  • art of precious metal-Unique jewelry pieces from the masters
  • Exclusive design - unique pieces of wood, glass, ceramics and other materials
  • Lifestyle - organic wines and culinary specialties
... aaand: a selection of my felt products! There is

enter openings, author readings, wine tastings and seminars on various subjects - painting, jewelry design, calligraphy and, correctly, Filzkurse!

The Filzkurse under my leadership will take place in February / March. There will be two courses, each with three dates a three hours and although at 02, 09 and 16 February (Tuesday, 18 clock) and then again on 23 February 02 and 03 March (also Tuesdays at 18 clock). In the first course should
creates smaller things such as flowers, jewelry, lanterns or small cases, in the second it goes to fashion accessories - bags, hats, scarves ... of course this is not mandatory, I also like to help to implement their own ideas.
The cost is 60 € + material cost per course, registrations will be accepted via 5ART.

Before I forget, here is the address and phone number:

5ART ... because art is more
Jürgen Hämel
heel fracture
20 45 833 34 49 Gelsenkirchen

So now a few pictures (of course, the empty shelves are loaded with wonderful things!)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Parts For Vermont Castings Wood Stoves

Christmas greetings

I wish you all a happy, happy, wonderful, funny, relaxed, unhurried .... in short: Heavenly Christmas!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kates Playground-natural

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Incesto Italiano Clips


This weekend I have on the market in Castle Hardenberg with my neighbor state of "fire pearl" these wonderful, handmade glass beads traded for a Filzboa. Schöööön are not they? I was pleased as Bolle, although I still have not the slightest idea what I'll do with it - I do not wear jewelry, yes. But look at just enough for now, too, and at some point, find the right project is already ...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tetralysal Can You Wax


you this happens so often in fact the buttons, sewing, sew the part that your wrong way? Since you should still believe that it is better after the first time paying attention, but neeeiiin! Here are those things where you have to sew something, anyway forever with around me, because I can pull myself so badly to - and then something stupid. Nevertheless (? Is now properly so there's the word at all looks strange ...?) I have still a few sew - but I'm watching now, for sure ;-)

So, and because it's stupid without a picture here's a hat I would have perhaps indulged quite like himself, but is now en route to his new owner:

Friday, October 30, 2009

Best 4x4 Suv Sleeping

Balver cave

Last weekend I was on the market Balver cave - there very very nice! Unfortunately, the photos are not really become something, but I think you can see anyway, as beautiful as the cave. There, among other concerts are also held, that must have really great!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Will Vodka Make Impotence?

I pack my suitcase ...

... and go for a child-free weekend to my parents the Sauerland. Sleep in, do not boil sitting by the fireplace ... hach. But I've also packed a few things that I still must embroider the evening, in front of the fireplace.

Hm, what to wear would also make sense ...
nice weekend you all!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How To Get Poemon Online On Mac

long time ago ...

... that I have written here, but I was pretty hard for it in time: the first fall market was on the weekend - very good weather on Sunday and at least many visitors. can

I also learned that one glass blower neighbors scare seehr when you tinkle in reducing the tent poles strong: I was particularly pleased to visit a very nice blog-reader, the one I have favorites to take home can ;-) Sorry again ... After the market had
I will first go to the local emergency medical practice because I was stung some mutant animals in the ankle and my whole foot is swollen like a pumpkin - well, okay, but grapefruit's certainly true! But I've also got a nice tetanus shot - my ass still hurts. But at least I had two days, the license to laziness, cold feet high and store - but what shall I say, after two hours on the sofa I have become jittery and ill-tempered.

aaand: October's my Nunofilzschals in the "gallery masterpieces " buy in Lübeck! 'm A bit excited ...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ezonics Webcam P10uc Windows Xp Drivers

in a month .... In

... it's autumn again! to make time for it new caps, hats, scarves and gauntlets! Hopefully this year, finally a hat for myself here, so far I have not yet found my fact. Very dark purple it should be, I think ...
I always find it interesting how differently affect the different hats at different women and that there is actually a matching hat shape for every face. So close in on the hat, girls, "I have no Hutgesicht" is not!

This hat can also move out of the corner:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Chart Of Obesity In Sg


Sooo, the holidays are over, the morning quiet again and I finally have more time to felt and hopefully to Blogging!
Yesterday I was able to try out for the first time my new sprayer, which I added myself last week have:

Ha sees, not the little ball shower lost it - 5Liter summarizes the best! At last I can "irrigate" large areas without having to reload must umpteen times. Moreover, one feels a bit like a fireman, pardon a firefighter, with the part - coool! If I had even earlier to get it ...

Otherwise, I was recently in the red-orange-pink-noise, inspired by the color Dawanda action in August.

This here was my entry (gold was still mandatory, so I painted the silk scarf or with small gold ornaments):

are also still produced some other parts (even without the gold, I personally find so much nicer so):

So, now my personal favorite - unfortunately I could not these colors Wear:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Broken Capillaries Under The Breast

successful visit to the country ... A big thank you to all helpers, sponsors and supporters!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tooth Implants For Dogs

Seven things about me

Sun, but now at last Corinna I was invited some time ago, on a "self-examination" to take part, as I tell seven things about me that are otherwise rather not experience it in the blog . Then I have seven other bloggers inside ask, do the same - if you do not like, it can easy ;-)

first I have an animal allergy. I noticed but fortunately almost exclusively in "whole" animals, with the washed and combed wool I have no problems.

second I'm definitely no green thumb. When I look at my blog in your garden photos, I still can only sigh with envy, are at my own cacti and succulents with one foot in the grave ... We have a large garden for rent with our apartment, but after I failed miserably at my first and looking for plants - I think I always have the "right" bacteria in the weeds (stupid word, ever, should still grow each as it wants! ) and rausgezupft confused - I've given up. Do so not everyone can ... and all the "weed" is happy!

third I have two sons, Bert (almost 13) and Henk (7). Henk was nameless at his birth two weeks because I was convinced with all my female intuition to get a girl and we have therefore made no thoughts about a boy name. My husband finally had the saving idea.

4th I have a semester studying diploma education, but then fortunately very quickly realized that this is nothing for me. My Great - that Bert - always looks funny when I mention the times. Why only?

5th I am also a trained retail salesperson - but now a long time ago, does not ask what is left of it.

6th Hmmm, I realize now that seven still a pretty big number! Oh yes, that still fits: I like prime numbers do not even know why, maybe because they can not do anything with it?

7th I have a groooßen bitch! Keeps me constantly on it, and finally drive again sports. If someone wants to take it off me, like (but only in loving hands!)

;-) So now I have to look for me soon my "victims" (harhar!). Hmmm, I take
Elo , felt and garden , Serinde , Purrfect trim , Babayaga , Filzkram and the small blue screw .
As I said, if you like not taking part, just ignore ;-)

And next time there's also photos again!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Face Body Cooling Spray Magicool

Nuno scarves

For a while I'm in Nuno-switch madness: after I've done quite a long time at all any more, because I was so happy with the result somehow never, I can hardly slow at the moment yet! By here I found myself on the right track (which is now been playing over):

and decorate, but others necks and shoulders:

And this is my contribution to the questions - Color Action sound of the sea ":

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Diapers And Plastic Pants

It's a boy!

The son of Jeanette had the idea that I, too, should ever felt an angel-boy. Super idea, thank you again!
And here it is:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bulb For Ikea Stranne

Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Convert .ipa To Jar

Fast Walking Elbaue Elberadweg Wittenberg Dübener Heide Wörlitz

14.-21.3. 2009 Walking between the Elbe and Gentile ...................... .........
Before the surge tank in pure resin / Dübener Heide

morning Qi Gong with Bärbel

in the courtyard of the Luther House in Wittenberg and again break to drink water spring in Wörlitzer Park ......... fact, there was Krokusblütentee! sun bridge in the park Ines Gerds from Wörlitz led the group through the awakening Park Comment: "An experience"

was held in March the "Kneipp" still take place indoors, here in the Kneipp center of the iron mud bath Bad Schmiedeberg

In the Heath Pottery Lubast: 2009 new in the "Old Crafts in the Heather" looked to the master over his shoulder ... ...... cup with Lubast Schwammeldruck as a souvenir

at the city church in Kemberg back to main page:
Links up days: Sunday noon / 09/liesmich-2-kochuniversitt-und.html tomato jam Monday night celery pulp Tuesday lunch lenses last week Rotling-out-of-diesbar.html Vegetable Bolognese Wednesday evening millet ring Thursday night linseed Friday night -a-polynuclear-core streich.html sun cream Saturday lunch Pastinakengemüse / 2007/11/kresse-der-grne-wuschel-auf-der.html cress Saturday night . html cabbage roll millet