Sunday, March 16, 2008

Corbin Fisher Cody Corbin Fisher

fasting Hiking Elberadweg Wittenberg 8.-15.3.2008

to consider in the right order please scroll down and then go up again ...... here it goes back to the main
breakfast on Saturday
small and without sugar on Friday night ..... ...........
the apples laugh on Friday morning
castle in the park Wörlitzer
Prince Franz of Anhalt-Dessau, founder of the park Wörlitzer
Kurpark in Bad Schmiedeberg
and Spa Fountains in Bad Schmiedeberg
drinking break on the way to Bad Schmiedeberg
Castle Reinharz in Dübener Heide
drinking break in Cranach Hof
Castle Church in Wittenberg
The thesis door, here proposed Martin Luther on 10.31.1517 his theses on ...
the market place of Wittenberg
with Nordic Walking poles of Gräfenhainichen to Ferropolis
on Monday in Ferropolis
Hunter Water School in Wittenberg